




诺贝尔石油服务公司是全球领先的石油服务提供商 & 天然气行业宣布任命Sergey Bazhanov为公司新的集团财务总监.

Mr. Bazhanov为公司带来了20多年的专业经验, 领导金融, 一些国际石油和天然气公司的商业和商业运作.

Mr. 巴扎诺夫将负责公司财务, 会计, risk management and reporting for Nobel Oil Services ensuring a sound finance operation across all company’s subsidiaries. 

Mr. Bazhanov在金融领域的皇冠体育365app始于在安达信(Arthur Andersen)担任高级审计和普华永道(PWC)的审计经理. 后来,他在Gazprom和HESS担任财务经理. Mr. Bazhanov曾担任NORDRILL LTD的首席财务官, where he was in charge of design and implementation of finance processes and controls over all business operations. Mr. Bazhanov也是RUSCOMPOZIT的首席财务官, 他在哪里负责所有附属机构的销售和运营. 最近,Mr. Bazhanov曾担任柴湾集团中东地区的集团财务经理, where he was responsible for all aspects of financial management and implementation of internal control environment across all allocated divisions within the group.

His academic background includes BA in Economics and Accounting from Moscow State University and MBA in Finance from the University of London. 他是特许公认会计师公会(ACCA)的成员。.

“谢尔盖丰富的金融背景和在石油领域的业绩记录 & gas industry makes him a valuable asset for our team and we expect to see substantial contribution towards the company’s strategic goals,乌格·萨马德里说, 诺贝尔石油服务公司代理首席执行官.

“我很高兴能在如此重要的时刻加入诺贝尔石油服务公司, 随着公司继续扩大规模以实现增长, 我期待着与诺贝尔石油服务团队合作,取得长期的运营和财务成功。”, 谢尔盖·巴扎诺夫评论道.




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